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Desktop applications

Purpose of these web pages

This set of web pages contains information on the bioinformatics applications I have created. The applications can be downloaded from here or by following the links to my department’s web site. Likewise, the help files can also be found here or on my department’s web site.

The impetus for these programs comes from requests from my work colleague s in the School of Medicine (University of Leeds), the Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service (St James’s Hospital) or the CRUK Mutational Detection Unit and occasionally from researchers based elsewhere.

The programs are divided in to three groups of sequence analysis, Autozygosity Mapping and dynamic web sites linked to databases.

Sequence analysis

These programs generally work on files generated by ABI machines; however they may also use SCF files and those created by the Megabase machines. Due to the dominate market position of ABI I intend to concentrate on these file formats, but if there is a demand for other file formats I may include them.

Mapping software

These programs concentrate on the detection of IBD in consanguineous pedigrees using Affymetrix SNP microarrays. Again they concentrate on a single manufacturer since this is the data that I have to deal with on a daily bases, but if there is a demand I could include more.

Miscellaneous programs

These programs are smallish programs that do not lend themselves to an interactive web page because they either do a lot of reading or writing of files or require a rich user interface that is not suited to a webpage.

Dynamic web sites

These web sites are designed to allow workers to enter data in to a remote database from any computer on the network. These ranges from sites like this one to a Health and Safety web page designed to allow users to submit COSHH assessments online. Due to the effort needed to set these up they are not generally available to download.

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