deus ex computa
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My informal, unofficial, official web site

This site is a list of the programs that I have created, as well as a number of interactive web pages that perform simple but tedious tasks common to molecular biology. Generally speaking these programs will either be published, about to be published or something I wrote to kill a bit of time. Programs that are currently in development will not be mentioned here (or anywhere else), however, there is a certain number of near misses. These programs will work and do the job they were designed for, but failed to be published because:

  • The appeal of the program is not large enough to get in a 'good' journal.
  • Time as moved on and something more important pushed it to the back of the queue.
  • The lab scientist I was working with left or changed tack and no more data was available to finish it off.

When it's apparent that the project is at the end of its 'development cycle' I will put the program here.

User friendliness

I try to create programs that are easy to use and well documented; hence I never make console applications that run from a C:> prompt and require a long command line argument to get them to work. I do not intend to reproduce the quote from the GCG manual circa 1995;

'User friendliness: These programs are not user friendly.'

Grammar and spelling

Since this is my unofficial site I will concentrate more on content than grammar or spelling, so be tolerant of any mistakes because I have a life out side of work and don't want to spend to much time on things that ultimately don't matter (to me).

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